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Cell Phones

Cell Phones

The Cider Mill Handbook contains the following statement regarding the use of cell phones.

Valuables such as collections, MP3 players, iPods, cell phones, electronic games, are not appropriate to bring to school and should not be stored in lockers. “Kindles” (and other e-book readers) can be brought to school with the teacher receiving parental permission.

While we are always reviewing our policies to make sure they are current and appropriate, it is still the policy at Cider Mill that our students are not to use their cell phones during the day. This includes recess both outside and when weather dictates that recess is inside. If they are used during the day, the phones will be confiscated and sent to the main office so the phone can go home at the end of the day. Habitual inappropriate use of electronics will result in a family member being required to pick-up the device.

Individual teachers may allow them as e-readers or for other educational purposes. This is up to the teacher’s discretion.

Should you have any questions or concerns, please contact your child’s teacher or administration.

The Cider Mill Administration