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Career & Technical Education (CTE)

Career & Technical Education (formerly Applied Arts and Technology)

CTE at Wilton High School encompasses programs in business, computer studies, family and consumer science, and technology education. Actual courses scheduled will depend on sufficient enrollment.

Staff Directory

District Curriculum


    The Business Department offers classes designed for students interested in acquiring business knowledge in selected areas. The diversity of courses offers many opportunities for obtaining valuable skills and practical information. Computer applications are utilized in several courses.


    Grade: 9-12 Duration: Full Year Credit: 1

    Prerequisite: B or better in Geometry 8, Geometry-2, or Geometry-3.  

    This course focuses on financial accounting processes used by all businesses.  Accounting principles and procedures provide a broad understanding of business activities and concepts involved in running a business and preparing and understanding financial statements.


    Grade: 10-12 Duration: Full Year Credit: 1

    Prerequisite: Successful completion of Accounting I and teacher recommendation.

    This course expands upon the principles learned in Accounting I and introduces the student to partnership and corporate accounting procedures.  Areas covered include cost accounting, inventory reports, depreciation, accrued income and expenses, budgeting and stocks and investments.


    Grade: 9-12 Duration: 1 Semester Credit: ½  

    Prerequisite: None.

    This financial planning course acquaints students with basic financial planning concepts and illustrates how these concepts apply to everyday life. The goal is to teach fiscal responsibility and increase the financial literacy of teenagers. Students will study topics such as money management (earning a living, federal and state income tax, budgets, checking accounts and other banking services) and credit management (credit laws, responsibilities, costs and problems with credit).  Through the course work students will gain the necessary skills to help them establish and work toward the achievement of their financial goals.


    Grade: 9-12 Duration: 1 Semester Credit: ½  

    Prerequisite: None.

    Entrepreneurship focuses on recognizing a business opportunity, starting a business based on the recognized opportunity, and operating and maintaining that business. Students will study the economic, financial, marketing, and management concepts necessary to introduce a product or service to the market.  The students will then develop and implement a business plan.


    Grade: 9-12 Duration: 1 Semester Credit: ½  

    Prerequisite: None.

    This course exposes the student to important legal points and problems encountered in everyday activities. Emphasis is placed on learning one’s legal rights and obligations in relation to civil law.  Students will learn the basics of the law, contract law, and employment law.


    Grade: 9-12 Duration: 1 Semester Credit: ½  

    Prerequisite: None.

    This course explores the growing and dynamic field of marketing. Topics include the product/service, consumer markets, advertising, sales promotion, pricing, consumer awareness, and other business concepts.  Marketing students will be involved in individual, group, and interdisciplinary projects.


    The Computer Studies Department offers a program designed for students with the desire to become knowledgeable about computers – their history, capabilities, functions, and prospective uses.  Computer studies will offer students the opportunity to become versatile computer users and for some students to become proficient in programming languages and design elements. Computer studies will allow students to develop and refine computer skills based on individual interests and abilities.


    Grade: 9-12       Duration: 1 Semester Credit: ½  

    Prerequisite: None.  

    This course is designed as an introduction to having a device to enhance personal and academic success.  The evolving curriculum in this course matches the rapid changes in digital and social media. Upon completion of this course, students will be able to understand why technology and their personal digital footprint are important forces in our society. The course will begin with the refinement of keyboarding skills and continue  with different modules in email, presentations, digital portfolio, digital citizenship, internet research, basic use of Google Docs including sheets, docs and slides. This is a hands-on, skill-building class that will enhance any student’s current abilities.


    Grade: 9-12 Duration: 1 Semester Credit: ½  

    Prerequisite: None.

    This course will provide students with extensive hands-on experience using computer programs in a business simulation that are utilized in many courses at Wilton High School.  Students will use a variety of different Microsoft software applications while creating their own business portfolio that will include the following areas: advanced word processing skills, database management, spreadsheets, desktop publishing, presentation, research using the internet and an introduction to some Google applications.


    Grade: 9-12 Duration: 1 Semester Credit: ½  

    Prerequisite: None.

    Students will explore the World Wide Web as they learn how to design and create a website. This course will explore the basics of HTML, CSS and JavaScript, site planning, e-commerce, layout and design, website construction, set-up and maintenance. Students will study current websites with a focus on improving the functional and business aspects of website design.  The course will include simulations and projects.


    Grade: 10-12 Duration: 1 Semester Credit: ½  

    Prerequisite: Successful completion or concurrent enrollment in Geometry-2.

    This course is designed for students with an interest in computer programming.  Students will be introduced to programming, including designing 2D games using programs created by Harvard, Duke and Carnegie Mellon.  A student does not need to be familiar with programming language, but should be comfortable using a computer and have a strong math background. This course has not been approved to meet NCAA eligibility requirements.


    Grades: 9-12 Duration: Semester                Credit: ½

    The student run help desk prepares students to provide first-line technical support to students, support staff and teachers. Students are trained to listen, observe and assess general end-user issues. The hands-on classroom environment gives students the opportunity to learn about a particular pathway of interest: troubleshooting hardware, software (Google Apps, Microsoft Office specialist, etc.), help desk website maintenance, and/or network problems, as well as process service tickets. Students will complete a 20% project related to their individual technology interests. Students may enroll in this program for more than one semester.

  • FCS867: CHILD DEVELOPMENT I          


    Grade: 9-12 Duration: 1 Semester Credit: ½  

    Prerequisite for Child Development II: Successful completion of Child Development I.

    These courses provide hands-on experience with teaching young children while working in the Helping Hands Preschool.  The courses are designed to explore the growth and development of young children. Students plan curriculum, teach lessons, observe and evaluate the preschool activities.  The on-site child care center provides students the opportunity to learn about and develop skills for early childhood careers. Child Development I and II meet on the same schedule which coordinates with the child care center hours.  


    Grade: 11-12                                             Duration: Full Year Credit: 1    

    Prerequisite: Child Development 1 and 2 (recommended),or teacher recommendation.

    Introduction to Individual and Family Development is designed as an introduction to the field of Human Development and Family Relations. The course will provide students with an understanding of individual and family development over the lifespan. The course will focus largely on the developing individual within the context of the family and the changes that occur in a family system over time.  It is recommended but not required for students to first take Child Development I and II.

    The course will also include a 40-hour internship component. Students will have the opportunity to apply for UCONN college credit through the University of Connecticut Cooperative High School Program during the first week of classes. The course is equivalent to UCONN HDFS 1070 (3 transferable college credits).

  • The Technology Education Department provides students with opportunities to develop an understanding of the technical, occupational, and consumer aspects of technology and industry.  Engaging in individual and group activities, students acquire technical knowledge and skills through the planning, designing, and constructing of projects.


    Grade: 9-12 Duration: 1 Semester Credit: ½

    Prerequisite: None.

    This course provides hands-on experience in several aspects of theatre production.  Students study set/costume/lighting design, set construction, and the technical aspects of television and film.   Students apply their skills and knowledge in the theatre and provide technical support for several school productions.

    **This course will be credited toward the graduation requirement in the Applied Arts or Humanities.


    Grade: 9-12 Duration: 1 Semester Credit: ½

    Prerequisite: None.

    From single-camera field production to Adobe CS6 video editing software and multi-camera studio production, students will have the opportunity to design and create video productions.  In this hands-on course, students will explore many aspects of video production by incorporating pre-production, production, and post-production skills using professional Blackmagic 4k studio and Blackmagic 4k cinema cameras.


    Grade: 9-12 Duration: 1 Semester Credit: ½

    Prerequisite: Successful completion of Video Production I.

    This course provides opportunities for students to expand their experiences in video production by using 2D animation, special effects software, advanced VT5, Vagas, Speed Edit and Tri-Caster techniques.  Students can be actively involved in the production of a WHS live broadcast news program using Blackmagic live streaming.


    Grade: 9-12 Duration: 1 Semester Credit: ½

    Prerequisite: None.

    This course provides opportunities for students to acquire skills and knowledge in the area of architectural design.  Students will explore architectural styles and learn a variety of hand-drafting techniques and skills such as layout, line quality, lettering, and dimensioning.  Students will develop original architectural designs, progressing from perspective sketching, through ground plans and elevations, and finally to 3D models. The class will culminate with an introduction to AutoCAD.


    Grade: 9-12 Duration: 1 Semester Credit: ½

    Prerequisite: Successful completion of Architecture I.

    This course provides opportunities for students to develop their previously learned skills and knowledge by progressing into 3D drafting and modeling using AutoCAD and printing designs with our 3D printer.

    TEC673 – 676: ARCHITECTURE III, IV, V, VI                                 

    Grade: 10-12 Duration: 1 Semester Credit: ½

    Prerequisite for Architecture III/IV/V/VI: Successful completion of Architecture II/III/IV/V.

    These advanced courses provide opportunities for students to develop and complete individual or group student-proposed projects.



    Grade: 9-12 Duration: 1 Semester Credit: ½  

    Prerequisite: None.

    This course provides opportunities for students to learn the elements and principles of design while creating home interiors.  Using a variety of resources and technologies, students will design interiors that are personal, functional, practical, and aesthetic. Students will explore a variety of careers associated with Interior Design.

  • Introduction to Engineering Design (IED) is a high school level course
    that is appropriate for students who are interested in
    design/engineering. It is also appropriate for anybody interested in
    learning  a methodical approach to problem solving methods. The major
    focus of the IED course is to expose students to design process,
    research and analysis, teamwork, communication methods, global and
    human impacts, engineering standards, and technical documentation. IED
    gives students the opportunity to develop skills and understanding of
    course concepts through activity-, project-, and problem-based (APPB)
    learning. Used in combination with a teaming approach, APPB-learning
    challenges students to continually hone their interpersonal skills,
    creative abilities and understanding of the design process. It also
    allows students to develop strategies to enable and direct their own
    learning, which is the ultimate goal of education.

     The course assumes no previous knowledge, but students should be
    concurrently enrolled in college preparatory mathematics and science.
    Students will employ engineering and scientific concepts in the
    solution of engineering design problems. In addition, students use the
    most current issued 3D solid modeling design software package to help
    them design solutions to solve proposed problems. Students will
    develop problem-solving skills and apply their knowledge of research
    and design to create solutions to various challenges that increase in
    difficulty throughout the course. Students will also learn how to
    document their work, and communicate their solutions to their peers
    and members of the professional community.

    Introduction to Engineering Design is the foundation course in the
    Project Lead The Way high school pre-engineering program. The course
    applies and concurrently develops secondary level knowledge and skills
    in mathematics, science, and technology.