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Morning pickup times and bus information will be available when the parent portal opens on Monday, August 19, 2024.

Please note that pickup times are approximate.

Wilton Public Schools does not publish bus routes for security reasons.




Please use this form to report issues and concerns or ask questions about your child’s bus information. Reports will be reviewed daily, and we will do our best to address all issues promptly. Should you have an emergency that requires immediate action, contact the main office of your child’s school or the transportation office at 203.834.4874.



In an effort to maximize the efficiency of our bus service, we are asking families who anticipate that they WILL NOT utilize bus transportation for the 2024-25 school year to complete an       Opt Out Form.

It is important to note that if circumstances change, bus service may be requested at any time during the school year by emailing  A bus stop will be assigned as soon as possible, but no later than 2 to 3 days of notification. Please complete one form for each student who will be opting out of bus transportation.




Locations are provided only when the stop can be assigned to an existing route and seating is available. Transportation will be denied for students who are not assigned to a bus if space is not available on any given day.

We cannot guarantee that arrival times will meet the needs of the students or the programs at special destinations.


General Information

  • Students should arrive at their assigned bus stop 10 minutes earlier than the scheduled pickup time and should be waiting at a place visible to the bus driver. Pickup times vary due to weather and traffic conditions.
  • All students should use the seat belts provided and sit straight ahead in their seats.
  • Students who must cross the road to board their bus should not use cell phones or electronic devices while crossing.
  • When crossing the road, students must wait until:
    • the bus has come to a complete stop.
    • the crossing gate has opened.
    • the driver gives the nod that it is safe to cross.
  • Backpacks and carry-on items must be placed on the student's lap or at their feet. 
  • Students are to sit in the first available seat upon boarding the bus and should not move to the rear of the bus unless the bus is full. Middlebrook students are to sit towards the front of the school bus, and Wilton High School students are to sit in the rear of the bus.
  • Parents are not allowed on Wilton school buses except in limited circumstances (first week of school PTA program, field trip chaperones).
  • Should you have an emergency that requires immediate action, contact the main office of your child’s school or the transportation office at 203.834.4874.


Lost and Found

Articles of clohing left on the bus are placed in the Lost and Found bin outside the office at the bus terminal. For items of value (instruments, electronics, etc.) left on a bus, please contact the bus company directly at 203.762.8600.


Special Bus Assignments – Additional Information

  • Miller-Driscoll and Cider Mill parents/caregivers MUST use School Dismissal Manager (SDM) for students to ride special assignment buses for after-school activities.
  • Middlebrook and WHS students should note that buses to Wilton Library Association or Town Center may not be available to transport students not assigned to them, as priority must be given to students going home.


We are looking forward to a safe and efficient year transporting our students.

If you have any questions about your child’s bus information, please use the form above.