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Closing/Special Schedules

Closing / Delays and Early Dismissal Times

  • The actual process of making the decision to close school or to delay its opening begins with the constant monitoring of weather reports, usually beginning the night before.  At 4:00 a.m. the Wilton Police Department is consulted on road conditions.  After gathering the necessary information (schedule of clearing the roads, etc.), area superintendents conference together with a meteorologist to ascertain weather and road conditions in the surrounding areas.  The decision to close must be made by 5:00 a.m. if it is possible to do so. The decision is made based on the best estimate of what will happen in the next four to twelve hours. If weather, road, and parking lot conditions are such that safety is a problem, school will be closed and the community will be messaged via Notify system.  Status will be posted on the district website and reported to local television and radio stations as well. 

  • The district utilizes the option of a 1-hour, 2-hour or 3-hour delay. The decision to utilize a delayed opening schedule is based on the forecasted timing of a storm, and/or road conditions.

    Delayed Opening Times

    SCHOOL 1-Hour Delay 2-Hour Delay 3-Hour Delay
    Miller-Driscoll 10:00 am 11:00 am 12:00 pm
    Cider Mill 8:40 am 9:40 am 10:40 am
    Middlebrook 9:20 am 10:20 am 11:20 am
    Wilton High School 9:20 am 10:20 am 11:20 am


  • It is with the greatest reluctance that children are dismissed early because of weather conditions. However, in the event that an early dismissal is absolutely necessary, each family should have an emergency plan that their children thoroughly understand.  All families should review their plans with their children and caregivers.  A ParentSquare message will be sent and status posted on the district website.

    Shortened Days/Early Release

    SCHOOL START EARLY RELEASE (non-scheduled) EARLY RELEASE (scheduled)
    Miller-Driscoll 9:00 AM 12:30 PM 1:15 PM
    Cider Mill 7:40 AM 11:30 AM 12:00 PM
    Middlebrook 8:20 AM 10:30 AM 12:35 PM
    Wilton High School 8:20 AM 10:30 AM 12:35 PM

  • Notifications will be sent via ParentSquare and posted on the district's website.

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