What is SRBI?
SRBI is a federally mandated instructional system designed to ensure that all students receive targeted instruction that meets their individual academic and social-emotional needs. Specifically, SRBI provides a clearly defined framework for support to students who are struggling to learn.
This support initiative is referred to as Response to Intervention, or RTI, on a national level. Connecticut has adopted its own Response to Intervention mandate, referred to as SRBI, or Scientific Research-Based Intervention.
Connecticut’s SRBI mandate requires each school district to have a systematic process for early identification of all students who demonstrate a lack of progress toward meeting grade level standards and a clearly articulated system of support designed to catch them up. The ultimate goal of SRBI is to provide a seamless structure of instruction, on-going assessment, and targeted intervention as needed so that all students experience continuous growth and achievement.
Lynn Driver
Intervention Services Coordinator
Email: driverl@wiltonps.org
Phone: 203-762-3381 ext.8309
SRBI provides early intervention for general education students in need of academic or social-emotional support. The ultimate goal of SRBI is to provide a seamless structure of instruction, on-going assessment, and targeted intervention as needed so that all students experience continuous growth and achievement toward meeting grade level standards.
The guiding principles of SRBI are:
● High-quality instruction and intervention that is research-based and matched to each student’s needs
● Pro-active educational practice
● Universal screening for all students
● Early intervention
● Frequent progress-monitoring in order to make decisions about changes in student goals and instruction
● Continuum of support for students that increases in frequency and individualization across tiers
The SRBI framework is a three-tiered approach to instruction and intervention. Each tier provides specific types and varying degrees of student support within the school setting.
Tier One: The majority of students respond successfully to quality, research-based core classroom instruction. In Tier I, all children receive high-quality curriculum and differentiated instruction in the general education classroom or program. As part of the curriculum, all students are assessed on a regular basis to monitor their progress towards grade level goals.
Tier Two: In addition to Tier I classroom instruction, students who need additional assistance meeting grade-level standards receive targeted intervention through small-group instruction. Decisions about which students would benefit from a Tier II intervention are made collaboratively by a team of teachers, specialists, and administrators. Tier II interventions focus on the direct teaching of a student’s area of need, and are designed to provide a more intensive and focused model of instruction than Tier I. In Wilton, Tier II interventions and are delivered by reading and math specialists.
Tier Three: Tier III interventions are designed to provide an even greater intensity of intervention than Tier II for a small percentage of students who require the most support. Tier III interventions provide very focused, individualized instruction that is more intensive and frequent than Tier II. In Wilton, Tier III interventions are delivered by reading and math specialists.
Instructional Framework
The Wilton Public Schools takes great pride in the robust and rigorous curriculum that it offers all children in grades K - 12. The instructional model provided to students supports an understanding of student academic, social, and emotional diversity as well as developmental needs of children as they begin their school experience through adolescence.
SRBI supports the excellent work of our schools by providing a framework for instruction and intervention for students who require specific support after demonstrating a pattern of academic, social, or emotional need. The level of support varies and is specific to each individual student. SRBI carries high expectations for all students, while providing multiple access points into the curriculum and serving the needs of all learners in the least restrictive environment appropriate to their needs.
Core Curriculum
The core curriculum consists of high-quality, research-based instruction and is delivered to all students in the general education classroom. Instruction is differentiated to meet the diverse needs of all students and is aligned to Common Core State Standards.
Universal Assessment
The Wilton Public Schools assesses students each academic year using a universal screener in grades K - 10. The Measures of Academic Progress (MAP) is given to all students in grades K - 7 three times a year during the assessment periods: fall, winter, and spring. The PSAT is given to all students in grades 8 - 10 twice a year during the assessment periods: fall and spring. Curriculum-based benchmark assessments are also administered throughout the year to all students. At this time, the universal screener and benchmark assessments are given to students in reading and mathematics.
Criteria for SRBI
The Wilton Public Schools relies on universal screening, benchmark assessments, and grade-level standards as a starting point to determine if students require additional support beyond classroom differentiation. In addition, input from teachers and parents, along with classwork and homework are also evaluated. Benchmarks and standards are reviewed and adopted based on national norms and best practice as reported in scientific research.
Data Driven Process
The Wilton Public Schools uses data to help identify students who may be in need of additional support. Our SRBI process aims to identify students who demonstrate patterns of concern based on multiple data points and established grade-level criteria. These identified students are invited to enter into SRBI.
School-Based Meetings
School-based teams meet to discuss students on a consistent basis. In addition to regularly scheduled grade-level and departmental meetings, teams also meet immediately after each assessment period (fall, winter, and spring). Teams are comprised of teachers, interventionists, administrators, and specialists as appropriate.
The purpose of the school-based team meetings is to review student assessment data to identify and discuss students who may be in need of additional academic, social, or emotional support. These meetings also provide an opportunity to review goals, intervention strategies, and progress monitoring data for students who are currently receiving intervention.
Through SRBI, students receive targeted instruction based on their individual academic or social-emotional needs. When a need is identified using assessment data, appropriate interventions and a plan to accelerate achievement are developed.
School personnel monitor student progress closely to ensure interventions are appropriate and successful, that skills are developed and strengthened, and the student continues to experience growth.
SRBI is a way for students to gain needed instruction without labels or programs associated with special needs services.
SRBI allows for early intervention by providing academic and behavioral supports rather than waiting for a child to fail before offering help.
Families play a critical role in supporting what their children are learning in school. Research shows that the more parents are involved in student learning, the greater the student achievement. There are many ways families can support their child’s learning at home.
Here are some of the ways you can support your child’s learning:
● Make reading an everyday habit
● Communicate with your child’s teacher(s) on a regular basis
● Participate in conferences or other meetings about your child
● Provide a supportive environment and time for homework
● Talk with your child about school progress on a regular basis
● Learn more about the curriculum, assessments, and interventions being used in your child’s school
● Celebrate your child’s strengths, talents, interests, and successes
● Contact teachers or administrators if your child is experiencing difficulty with academics or behavior
To Learn More, view Connecticut’s document for SRBI, the Family Guide to SRBI, and Response to Intervention: A Primer for Parents.
What do I do if I think my child needs support?
Contact your child’s teacher in the subject area that is causing difficulty. If you or the teacher believe that a referral to the SRBI Team is necessary, it can be made at any time. If it is determined that a referral is not necessary, the teacher will be able to recommend other supports that may help your child.
Will the school contact the parent if a child is not meeting grade-level expectations?
As part of the SRBI process, the performance of all students is monitored on an ongoing basis. If a student is consistently not performing at grade level, or if a student’s teacher is concerned about in-class performance, the teacher and/or specialist will contact the parent to discuss the best way to support the child. Parents do not have to wait to be contacted by the school, however, to discuss any concerns they may have.
If my child needs interventions, what will he or she be missing to receive support?
The SRBI Team makes every effort to preserve core academic instruction for every child. The team will seek time during the day that has low impact on instruction (i.e. tutorials, study halls, free time). If these times are not available, the team will recommend a time of day that has the least impact on the child’s core instructional program. This recommendation will be made to parents in advance to ensure that they know the scheduling implications.
What is the difference between Tier II and Tier III instruction?
Both tiers provide support in a child’s area of weakness. The interventions that students receive in Tiers II and III are similar; however, the frequency and intensity of the intervention increases in Tier III. Additionally, in Tier II, students generally will be working in small groups; in Tier III, students usually work one-on-one with teachers or in a very small group.
Who will provide the interventions?
In Tier I, classroom teachers deliver high-quality differentiated instruction to all students. In Tiers II and III, classroom teachers, along with specialists and other professionals, deliver interventions to students in need of additional support.
What is the difference between intervention and core differentiated instruction?
Core instruction is delivered to all students in the general education classroom and uses differentiation to meet individual learning styles and needs. Interventions focus on specific needs for students who require further instruction beyond core differentiated instruction to be successful.
How long will the intervention last?
The length of the intervention will vary depending on the child’s needs. Some students receive intervention support for several weeks or months; for others, a longer period of time is necessary to strengthen skills and meet grade level standards.
What do teachers need to bring to SRBI Team meetings?
Teachers will bring a copy of the SRBI Team Referral Form, any relevant assessments and/or assessment data, and student work samples in the area of concern. Teachers will share specific examples of concern, evidence of differentiated instruction, progress monitoring data, and feedback from their conversation with the student’s parents/guardians.
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