The Board of Education considers homework to be an important and integral part of class work. Appropriate homework will be assigned on a class or individual pupil basis at the direction of the teacher.
Typically, homework is comprised of practice assignments in language, math, home study of spelling words, number facts, keyboarding and research projects to be assigned when and where it is appropriate. Parents/guardians are important partners in Cider Mill’s homework policy and will on occasion be asked to participate in homework assignments.
Assignments will vary in nature and length as students continue to grow in their abilities. At Cider Mill, students are expected to spend 10 minutes times their grade level on practice and assignments. If this is not true for your child, a discussion with your teacher and/or administration is strongly suggested. General weekly homework outlines will be posted on class website and/or given out by teachers. Homework assignments will be recorded on a daily basis in your child’s assignment book to foster student responsibility and self -organization. In order to build that sense of responsibility, students are given time during the day to organize and pack up their belongings and materials necessary for homework. Since classrooms are locked when teachers leave the school, students should not return to school to collect books/materials left behind in their classrooms.
Patents are encouraged to support and facilitate homework assignments. It is ultimately the student’s responsibility to return his/her homework as requested by the teacher and to generally make up any assignments that may have been missed due to illness and/or absence. An additional 20 minutes of reading each night for enjoyment is recommended.