The Department of World Languages encourages the study of one or more languages to promote global understanding. Language expresses the essence of a people and its study fosters a gradually deepening knowledge of the culture, geography, history and social institutions of another country or countries. In addition, it provides a differing perspective on one’s own culture and language.
World Language study is also a developmental experience which implies progressive learning of the fundamental skills of listening, reading, writing, and speaking. The general goals of the World Language Department are to develop in students an increasing ability: 1) to understand the spoken world language, 2) to read it with ease and enjoyment, 3) to write it, and 4) to speak it. Attaining language proficiency is directly related to the learner’s motivation and to the time and effort expended.
The table below indicates which languages are taught, which sequences are offered, and which electives may be selected. Actual courses scheduled depend on sufficient enrollment. Please check the Program of Studies for more information.
Staff Directory To see a list of WHS World Language teachers, filter the Staff Directory by department (World Language) and location (WHS).
World Language IL’s: Christine Higgins –; (203) 762-0381 x6071 and Lauren Kantor –; (203) 762-0381 x6402