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Cider Mill Band

Cider Mill Band

Band Students


Group lessons will begin the second week of September. Prior to that date, we will visit your child’s classroom with lesson schedule information. Lessons will always be on the same day of the week. Since these classes are given on a pull-out basis, the time of each lesson rotates from week to week. This ensures that a particular class is missed only once every six weeks. Students may only reschedule lesson times at the request of their classroom teacher for tests, special classroom activities or field trips. Morning rehearsals are held once each week at 7:00 a.m. and will begin in October, specific start dates to be announced. These rehearsals are part of the Instrumental Music curriculum, and attendance is required of all band program participants. Further details about these rehearsals will be discussed at the Band Parent Information night..You can find most of the information on the upper right hand corner of this page.


Almost all beginning band students rent their instruments. Feel free to do a Google search for local rental stores, as there are too many for me to keep an updated list.  Most stores offer online or over the phone rentals. The entire rental process can be accomplished online, and all suppliers will provide in school instrument delivery. All suppliers will provide in school instrument delivery. We encourage school delivery because it ensures that students will have an instrument and book at their first lesson. Also, it eliminates the temptation for students to attempt assembly and playing instruments before the first lesson – preventing damage and ensuring proper development of basic skills. Please take advantage of their short-term “trial” rentals. Students forced to continue because their parents already paid for a full year of rental are wasting everyone’s time and effort.

Other supplies you will need:

1. Music Stand for use at home (prevents poor posture)

2. Method Book: Tradition of Excellence, Book 1  Baritone horn books must be “Bass Clef”.

3. Alto sax and clarinet students only must have a box of 10 - Vandoren #2 reeds and a cleaning swab.

4. Every student should purchase a metronome for keeping a steady beat.

5. Manuscript notebook.


The success of all our students depends upon the cooperation of each individual. Toward that end, the following is expected of each student:

1. Practice their instrument at home for 15 minutes every day they have homework.

2. Keep track of the lesson schedule and arrive for classes on time.

3. Come to each lesson prepared, with books and instrument.

4. Listen carefully in class, participate and be sure to ask questions.

We are always happy to offer advice and encouragement, as well as address your concerns. Should you have any questions, please e.mail our band instructor Jonathan Garcia


Trumpet Man