Vision of a Learner
Our Mission: Wilton Public Schools inspire and prepare all students to contribute meaningfully to a globally interdependent society.
Our Vision: Guided by expert instruction and a rigorous, learner-centered curriculum, our students actively pursue their goals and aspirations and grow to be productive and resourceful members of the community.
Our Vision of a Learner: Wilton Public Schools' Vision of a Learner represents our vision for the 21st century skills, traits and attributes that our students need to succeed in college, career and life.
The six attributes of the Vision of a Learner are detailed below and have their own webpage:
Our community engaged in a multi-year process around the skills, attributes and traits necessary for our graduates. Our students live in a world best defined by the theory of V.U.C.A. (Volatile, Uncertain, Complex and Ambiguous). The result of our discussions, feedback received from our community, and staff was our newly-adopted Portrait of the Graduate. This new tool will inform our strategic plans, be embedded in our curriculum, and provide the North Star in uncertain times and a pathway to address complexity, volatility and ambiguity.
Possesses broad knowledge in academic subjects, the arts, and new literacies.
Articulates thoughts and ideas effectively using oral, written, and nonverbal communication skills in a variety of forms and contexts.
Improves thinking by continuously analyzing and reflecting on one’s own and others’ thinking.
Communicates effectively using multiple languages and media to make meaningful connections.
Engages in continuous scholarship and life-long learning.
Possesses the disposition, strategies, and desire to learn, unlearn, and relearn especially in an uncertain, ambiguous environment.
Demonstrates agility in thoughts and actions.
Skillfully transfers past learning into new situations.
Takes an active role in setting learning goals, uses strategies to achieve them, and reflects on the outcomes.
Shows strong understanding and belief of self to engage in reflection for individual improvement and advocacy.
Builds relationships with others through trust and compassion.
Collaborates with others to reach consensus or compromise, takes a stand, and encourages positive action.
Acts honestly, courageously and ethically for the interests of the larger community and greater good.
Communicates skillfully to inform, influence, motivate, and inspire others.
Engages in personal responsibility and citizenship.
Demonstrates cultural competence and sensitivity in a sustainable, interdependent world.
Demonstrates kindness.
Values and embraces diverse perspectives and cultures through open dialogue and mutual respect.
Takes action in personal and collective behaviors that support stewardship of the environment.
Contributes to making the world a better place.
Engages in care for self and others as daily practices to support physical, social, and mental well-being.
Develops an understanding of a healthy, balanced lifestyle.
Listens with compassion and understanding and share and react to others’ feelings.
Finds humor and joy in life and revels in beauty, phenomena, and wonderment of the world.
Persists in the face of adversity and finds new solutions to problems.
Shows curiosity, originality, inventiveness, and new ways of thinking about things.
Takes risks and know how to develop, organize, and manage new initiatives and/or ventures.
Engages in problem-solving, inquiry, and design to solve problems to create value for others.
Demonstrates awareness, sensitivity, concern, and respect to connect with others’ feelings, opinions, experiences, and culture.