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Mathematics Landing



Believe in kids! Allow them to think, to struggle, and to reason with new ideas as together you find the excitement that happens when mathematics makes sense.

-John Van de Walle

Mathematics is one of the significant gatekeepers of success in modern society (Visible Learning for Mathematics, 2016). A well-designed and well-implemented math program enables students to use math to think critically, analyze a range of situations quantitatively, and make decisions based on thoughtful analysis in both their personal and professional lives. Learning mathematics should enable students to see themselves as capable lifelong learners and doers of mathematics and statistics.


(adapted from Catalyzing Change NCTM 2018, NCTM Principles to Action 2014 and Common Core Standards for Mathematical Practice 2010)

Curriculum Resources and Guides

  • Trudy Denton
    Curriculum Coordinator - Math/Science
    Phone: 203-762-3381 ext. 8329

    Chris Shpak
    9 - 12 Instructional Leader - Math
    Phone: 203-762-0381 ext. 6021


  • Mathematics Program Goals

    Mathematical proficiency encompasses the following components: conceptual understanding, procedural fluency, strategic competence, adaptive reasoning, and production disposition (National Research Council, 2001). As students advance through the grades and make individual progress towards mastery of mathematics content and practices, they are able to exhibit with increasing fluency these processes and proficiencies of quantitative literacy:

    They make sense of problems and persevere in solving them.
    They reason abstractly and quantitatively.
    They construct viable arguments and critique the reasoning of others.
    They model with mathematics.
    They use appropriate tools strategically.
    They attend to precision.
    They look for and make use of structure.
    They look for and express regularity in repeated reasoning.
    They demonstrate mastery of the CT Core Content Standards for Mathematics.


  • Mathematics Program Core Principles

    (adapted from NCTM Principles to Action 2014)

    The Mathematics Program Goals are realized through the following core principles, which embody three components of the instructional core for mathematics: Standards (what students learn), Mathematical Practices (how students learn) and Classroom Instruction (how teachers teach).

    1 Mathematics instruction in Wilton is based on the fundamental belief that every student is a capable learner.
    2 The teacher’s understanding of mathematics and his/her ability to make insightful instructional decisions are the most influential factors in student mathematics achievement.
    3 Teachers of Mathematics establish clear goals for the mathematics that students learn, situate goals within learning progressions, and use the goals to guide instructional decisions on a unit-by-unit and lesson-by-lesson basis.
    4 Mathematics instruction in the Wilton Public Schools is provided using a consistent student-centered framework for learning.

    At the elementary level this will most often include the following components:

    Exploration and Problem Solving
    Whole class problem presentation
    Exploration in groups
    Whole class discussion/Journaling
    Guided Practice and Formative Assessment
    Practice in small groups or with partners
    Teacher engages in formative assessment
    Independent Practice and Small Group
    Planned small group instruction based on student needs

    At the secondary level this will most often include the following components:

    Learning the Concept: Constructing Task
    Pose a Question
    Student Exploration/Collaboration
    Questioning and Productive Discourse
    Structured discussion of the learning
    Built-in Formative Assessment
    Independent Practice
    Individual Practice and Small Group Instruction

    5 Mathematics instruction includes a strong focus on using multiple mathematical representations (modeling) to deepen understanding of mathematics concepts and procedures as tools for problem-solving.
    6 Mathematics instruction engages students in discourse to advance the mathematical learning of the whole class.
    7 Mathematics instruction focuses on the development of both conceptual understanding and procedural fluency so that over time students become skillful in using procedures flexibly as they solve contextual and mathematical problems.
    8 Teachers of Mathematics support students as they struggle productively to learn mathematics.
    9 Teachers of Mathematics use inclusive instructional strategies to engage all students and support them in sustained learning.
    10 Scientific Research-based Interventions (SRBI): A clearly defined and data-informed collaborative team process will be used to identify and monitor students in need of SRBI.
    11 A productive partnership between home and school positively affects student
    achievement in mathematics.

  • Coming soon

  • Coming soon