Photo of a monarch caterpillar on a milkweed leaf in the
Miller-Driscoll Outdoor Learning Center (OLC)
Young children have an innate sense of wonder. They were born to explore, ask questions, and find out - just what science at Miller-Driscoll School is all about! The world is a science laboratory for young learners. To nurture this natural curiosity, our science program is rich with inquiry and hands-on/hearts-on experiences. We are dedicated to providing a program that creates the interest, wonder and curiosity that leads to student engagement and promotes understanding and application of science concepts and skills. The curriculum is designed to ensure all students engage in common, essential experiences of inquiry, exploration, and application in order to achieve high standards of scientific literacy. Our program is consistent across all grade level classroom, and science experiences are scaffold to encourage our youngest scientists to search for reasons as they explain their answers to why the world is the way it is!
The development of the K-2 science program was guided by the standards outlined by the National Science Education Standards (National Research Council), Project 2061 Benchmarks for Science Literacy (American Association for the Advancement of Science)and the Connecticut Science Framework.
The units of study at the Kindergarten through Grade 2 levels are:
First Grade
Second Grade