At this time, we are not able to confirm any potential exposure, as the Wilton Health Department is currently investigating the matter. We recommend that if your employer has requested this information, you should share that schools have closed while the local health department investigates.
For more information about what to do if you are concerned about potential exposure to the virus, please visit the CDC website.
Beginning today, March 9:
In addition, we remind students to cough or sneeze into a tissue or their sleeve and to stay home if they are not feeling well. Students who suddenly feel unwell during the school day
are advised to go to the nurse’s office for assessment. As noted above, we are ensuring schools have an adequate supply of soap, tissues, and paper towels to support these universal precautions.
Please do not send your child to school if your child is not feeling well. We make this recommendation to all families throughout the school year, but it is particularly important in times of illness. For more information about when to send your child to school after he or she has been sick, please visit the health office page on our website.
All students are being instructed in universal precautions such as frequent and thorough handwashing, avoiding close contact with people who are sick, using hand sanitizer when soap and water are not available, etc. For students who are medically fragile, these precautions are even more critical.
It is also very important that parents of students with serious medical conditions, who are at high risk if they contract COVID-19, consult with their health care provider. Recommendations from health care providers should be communicated immediately to the school nurse. If parents in consultation with their health care provider decide not to send their child to school, they should contact the building principal to discuss alternatives for completing classwork and homework. Under these circumstances, students will not be penalized for remaining at home.
We follow the recommendations of the Wilton Health Department. If we receive additional information regarding protocols for adults, we will inform you. For the most recent announcements from our town’s director of health, please visit the News and Announcements section of the town website.