We value the feedback of our parent community and welcome your partnership as we reflect on the successes and challenges of the closure period and prepare for the 2020-2021 school year. Please take a few minutes to complete the WPS Parent Feedback Survey we have developed for you. The survey will be open through next Friday, June 5. We will consider your feedback as we plan ahead, much in the same way we did with the feedback you provided to us in April and other feedback you have provided directly. Please note that we are asking you to complete one survey for each school your children attend.
Our regional educational service center, which serves all districts in our region, has been asked by Connecticut Commissioner of Education Miguel Cardona to solicit feedback from middle and high school students as we plan for a return to school this fall. Secondary students are asked to submit their feedback on reopening via Thoughtexchange.
There are three ways to log into Thoughtexchange:
As many of you may have noticed, during the past two weeks, some YouTube videos have become "restricted" or not accessible by our students. As with many of our Edtech companies, the global pandemic has overwhelmed YouTube, including its management system that “rates” videos. Any video that does not have a rating is blocked by our filter. We need to keep our filters in place to adhere to CIPA laws. In order to resolve the problem, teachers may need to "unrestrict" videos they have curated for their classes. Late last week, we sent staff directions on how to unrestrict videos, and as such, this issue should be resolved shortly. If, in the future, you are not able to access a video, please email the teacher who posted it so the restriction can be removed.
We will be holding two sessions for parents of students with IEPs and 504 Plans. We ask that you preregister for the session that works best for you.
To ensure that we respond to the concerns of the community, we ask that you to submit questions in advance. You may do so by submitting your questions using the link below. If time and numbers permit, we will take questions from the audience after responding to the questions submitted. Please submit questions by 5:00 p.m. on Monday, April 20.
Feedback from all groups involved in the eLearning process is important. We have been researching tools to solicit feedback from students and staff and have selected appropriate instruments for these groups. We plan to administer a survey to each of these groups next week. More information will follow.
Parent forums at each school are being held this week. Common themes to be covered include: synchronous vs. asynchronous instruction, eLearning tips at home, and prioritizing student work. For specific login information, please see your school’s newsletter and/or website.
Wednesday, April 15 - 3:00 pm and 7:00 pm
Cider Mill:
Held on 4/13 and 4/14
8 Green - Thursday, 4/16 - 1:00 pm
6 Green - Thursday, 4/16 - 2:00 pm
7 Green - Thursday, 4/16 - 3:00 pm
Other teams -Held on 4/13 and earlier in the day on 4/15
Grades 9-11 - Thursday, 4/16 - 6:00 pm
Grade 12 - Held on 4/14
Zoom has signed the CT Student Data Privacy Pledge, so school districts may use the application under the CT commissioner of education’s guidance. As we continue on our journey in the world of eLearning and the use of videoconferencing as one tool for synchronous teaching, our library learning commons and technology instructional leader teams have been working on ways to provide security recommendations for Zoom. We have developed the strictest security settings to provide the safest possible learning environment. In addition, staff members were provided a professional development tool and a quick reference guide for Zoom web conferencing.
To help prevent some of the issues that are resulting from the use of Zoom (called Zoombombing in social media), Zoom continues to release updates to address issues for the education community - one of the most important is to “enable a waiting room.
Through this Friday, April 3, we are inviting families to share feedback on their experiences with eLearning in a brief survey linked here. If you responded to this survey already, there is no need to do so again.
Update: As you may know, we are inviting families to share feedback on their experiences with eLearning in a brief survey linked here. Please note that we sent you this survey on Friday evening, so if you responded over the weekend, there is no need to do so again.
Our teachers and certified staff have been planning furiously to get their respective classes up and running in a digital environment. I could not be more grateful for their tremendous efforts. Some requests have been made for more synchronous activities by both families and teachers. Know that we have proceeded cautiously when implementing synchronous learning experiences in order to provide time for exploration of research-based practices, best tools, and a desire to be certain that our approach aligns with our goals. In some cases, we asked teachers to delay using video conferencing for direct instruction until the district had the opportunity to develop guidelines and professional learning to support our staff’s use.
As we move forward, all families should understand that the use of synchronous learning tools will not look the same for all students and classes. Some teachers will begin using Zoom and other video conferencing tools as part of their work next week. Parents of our youngest students can expect to see some teachers begin to use video conferencing for activities like morning meetings and small group or 1-1 instruction. Teachers at the secondary level may utilize these tools for whole group as well as small group activities. We will continue to receive and incorporate feedback from our families and staff as we continue to develop our eLearning program. In that spirit, we are inviting readers to share their feedback in a brief survey linked here.
As we progress through our third week of eLearning, more of our staff may be using tools to involve their students through videoconferencing. Most often, the sessions will be small or large groups of students and will include student names and images.
Please support our use of videoconferencing by ensuring the following:
Student privacy and the confidentiality of student information are of utmost importance to us. We remind families, however, that the district is not able to control the homes or physical locations of students.
This is a perfect opportunity for everyone to practice digital citizenship and etiquette in a new, real-world environment. Your support is necessary to ensure that students are making good choices online. We appreciate your partnership and thank you in advance. If you have any questions, please contact Director of Digital Learning Fran Kompar at komparf@wiltonps.org.
The district is pleased to provide chromebooks and hotspots for families that do not have devices or internet access. In order to allow us to prioritize the needs of families who do not have the digital tools they need to support their children, we ask that you carefully consider your request before placing it. Rest assured that every family that needs technology for this digital environment will be provided with technology.
Reminder: Any family that does NOT have access to a computer for online learning should complete the Access to Device form. If you requested a device and have questions about when it will be delivered, please contact Helaine Walker at walkerh@wiltonps.org.
Wilton Information Technology recommends that you close all the windows and apps and shut down your computer each night, rather than locking or putting it in sleep mode. A daily restart allows your computer to close background processes that run throughout the day and allows the installation of district software updates. We constantly update district software to give you the most current versions of the tools you use every day. Restarting your computer allows the updates to run automatically to refresh software versions, improve security, and optimize memory utilization to make your computer run faster and more efficiently.
To make sure your computer gets a rest each day, follow three easy steps:
When you turn it back on the next day, your computer will be refreshed and ready to go!
Reminder: Any family that does NOT have access to a computer for online learning should complete the Access to Device form. If you requested a device and have questions about when it will be delivered, please contact Helaine Walker at walkerh@wiltonps.org.
Sometimes issues with functionality are due to problems beyond our network. Anyone experiencing issues with Google Applications should first check the Google Application Dashboard link here. Once you visit the page, find your application listed and click on the colored dot next to it for information about issues with its functionality and how those issues are being addressed. If there appear to be no issues on the Google site, you should follow your building support plan.
For all users of district-issued devices: The district added a bookmark to the Chrome browser. Once logged into Chrome, the bookmark is located in the District Bookmarks folder at the top left corner of the Chrome Browser under the Check Google Apps Status link.
The new eLearning plan is posted to our website on our eLearning page. For your convenience, the plan has been broken down by school and includes many helpful links to resources, including daily schedules. Some of you may have experienced difficulty opening these links from the PDF sent last Friday. (This difficulty was likely based on the type of device you were using.) If you were not able to open the links in the PDF version of the eLearning plan, please try using a different device or going directly to the website.
Also, in case you missed it, our district administrators provided an overview of the new eLearning plan at last week’s Board of Education meeting. To view the meeting, please follow this link, select “Wilton Board of Education Special Meeting” and click on the “Watch Video” tab.
Reminder: Any family that does NOT have access to a computer for online learning should complete the Access to Device form.
If you requested a device and have questions about when it will be delivered, please contact Helaine Walker at walkerh@wiltonps.org".
We are seeking feedback on topics for our eLearning webinars. Webinars will be designed and scheduled based on feedback from parents who are supporting their children with eLearning. The dates and times will be announced shortly. Please use this survey form to suggest topics for our webinars.
Parent eResources:
Be sure to check the eLearning Resources for Parents, Students and Teachers for the school-specific plans, video tutorials on eLearning technology platforms, how-tos, and access to eBooks.
To Access Tech Support:
To Access eLearning Resources Help:
Our dedicated teachers and administrators are hard at work developing plans that will advance learning for students. We will send a written update about this plan by the end of the week. If you are interested in learning more about the process, please view tomorrow evening’s Board of Education meeting on Zoom, an online video conferencing tool. We will post the link and passcode to the meeting tomorrow afternoon on the Board of Education section of our website.
If you are interested in learning more about the district’s work on the distance learning plan, please view this evening’s Board of Education meeting on Zoom, an online video conferencing tool. The link and passcode are posted under the tab on the right-hand side of the page titled: How to Join an EMeeting.
Reminder: If your child needs a device to complete work associated with our distance learning plan, please complete this form.
We are pleased to announce that eLearning will begin on Monday, March 16 by 9:00 a.m.
Our dedicated staff has designed eLearning experiences to provide continuity of learning for students while they are home. These experiences include a combination of “go bags” (PreK-2) and eLearning platforms. Through our plan, our teachers will be able to provide a structured routine and create a sense of normalcy and continuity using a variety of digital and print resources. We believe that students who engage as learners throughout any necessary closure will not only benefit academically, but also will find the structure and opportunities to maintain contact with their teachers and peers supportive of their emotional well-being.
General Reminders
Students in grades 5-8 have taken their chromebooks and chargers home. Any families that do NOT have access to a computer that their children can use at home for online learning (primarily affecting students in grades 3-4 and 9-12) should complete the Access to Device form (which was included in the March 9, 2020 update). In addition to technology resources, students have taken home a variety of print resources including several reading books, textbooks, writing journals, and other materials.
Content Delivery Platforms
For students in grades 3-12: eLearning instructions for each day will be posted online using Google Classroom. This is a platform that is familiar to students. Directions, video tutorials, and help desk forms will be available through our eLearning Resources Site.
Student Guidelines for eLearning:
All Students:
Miller-Driscoll Students:
Students in Grades 3-12:
You must carefully adhere to the responsible use of technology agreement as well as the chromebook responsible use agreement and employ the digital citizenship skills that you have learned in school.
The Wilton Public Schools have been consulting daily with the Department of Health and with Wilton town officials. Any decision about school closure will be based upon the most up-to-date information available.
In regards to online instruction, our leadership team has been hard at work developing plans to maintain continuity of instruction. These plans leverage the use of technology in grades 3-12 to mitigate potential disruptions in learning. In grades Pre-K-2, staff are preparing hard copy developmentally appropriate materials for students to take home with them in the event of a school closure. Since last week, our district plan has been to train staff on these protocols this Wednesday, March 11, after students have been sent home according to our early release schedule. We will communicate information about this plan to all parents on the evening of March 11, after all certified staff have had the opportunity to become familiar with the plan during the training session that day.
In order to prepare for a potential school closing related to coronavirus, we ask that you complete the short survey found by following this link ONLY if your child in grades 3-12 is in
need of a loaned device in the event of school closure: digital access survey.
In addition, we are asking all students and teaching staff to bring home their devices and essential texts every evening, in order to prepare for a potential unexpected school closing.
Doing so will help ensure that teachers and students have items at home that will support learning offsite.
We have decided not to begin distance learning this Thursday or Friday. Teachers were engaged in professional learning today when the decision was made to close schools. While we believe we are ready to initiate our plan, we are spending the next few days checking in with building administrators to ensure staff and students have what they need to make the effort go smoothly. We are also giving careful consideration to the best time to begin implementation. If we are closed for an extended period, we will notify you when distance learning will begin. Once we’ve made the decision to begin implementation, we will send information to parents and students detailing the process for how to access the activities.
Update 3/12/2020
We will communicate our plans relative to distance learning tomorrow [Friday, March 13th, 2020].
Parent Guidelines for eLearning
Guidelines for Support
Student or parent questions about classwork should be emailed to the student’s teacher. Availability will be communicated via Google Classroom or the school principal.
Please click the link below to submit a Tech Help Desk request for your child’s school. This would include support accessing tools/resources or software. Should you need support accessing content (Grades 3-12) that is posted in Google Classroom, please be sure to contact your teacher directly:
Please use the following direct links to digital resources that are used in your child’s school:
Google Classroom Help for parents:
Please refer to our complete resources on both our Continuity of Learning website and this dynamic, crowd-sourced Google Site for parents and teachers.
There is a Continuity of Learning Plan page as well as a District eLearning Website that contains information and resources.